About Me

Shama Hussain is a communications professional with five years of experience in the media industry, working on public relations, social media marketing, and digital strategy. 

Shama has worked on the communications teams at The New York Times, NBC News, TIME Magazine, New York Magazine, and FORTUNE magazine. She executed publicity efforts for high-profile franchises, such as the annual TIME 100 Gala, TIME's Person of the Year, and the Fortune 500. Previously, she was an intern at the White House for the Obama administration, where she worked in the first ever presidential digital strategy office. 

In 2011, Shama received the Department of State's Gilman scholarship to study Arabic in Egypt. She witnessed the beginning of the Arab Spring firsthand, and was eventually relocated to Morocco. She is fluent in Bengali, and proficient in French, Arabic, and Hindi. 

She is currently based in New York City. Follow her on Twitter @shama_ny.