Inside the 50-story building, posters of music artists cover colorful walls, and signs and stickers that say "Hi Hater!" are posted on the glass doors. On each floor, the cubicles that are all littered with colorful post-its, promotion banners, music logos, and large posters. Framed albums and autographs of rappers and rock bands who passed through the building are displayed on every floor and the latest Jay-Z song plays in the background. Inside 1290 Avenue of Americas, there is no doubt that you’re smack in the middle of the urban and rock music world, a capital of pop culture.
Since I was the only intern in the digital media department, I sat by myself, and no one really paid attention to me. My responsibilities varied, from tracking artists Myspace pages and Twitters to resizing pictures for promotions. Oh, and making lots and lots of spreadsheets. It would have been cool if I got to interact with people in the office, but I worked in a new media lab where everyone had headphones on and couldn't tear their eyes of their computer screens.
I experienced what it's like to work behind the scenes in the entertainment industry. What I learned is that it is cut-throat, fast-paced, and you have to start at the very bottom. Days were long and the work was not always fun. The music industry that glitters from the outside was not so fabulous on the inside. Would I want to work there full-time? Probably not.
The only reason I applied for the internship is because of my love for rapper T.I. And the highlight of my experience was my autographed poster by the King.