They call the country of Morocco 'Maghrib' - "
where the sun sets." The sun is setting now as the azan for the evening prayer rings throughout the city and this unbelievably long semester finally comes to a close. There have been good times, great times, bad times, and awful times, but I definitely won't forget any of them. I don't feel sad because I've been waiting for this day for so long, but I feel an odd sense of zen as I reflect back on this year and think of everything I've been through. I thought of the things I'm going to miss and here's my list: halal food, morning azan, Arabic, and my host mother Meriem. No
t necessarily in that order. Meriem is the biggest sweetheart and she gave me a huge wrapped box as my parting present, which she told me is a Moroccan tea kettle. Can't wait to open it when I get home. Other than that, Morocco will always be here if I choose to come back, insh'Allah. It's been quite the experience but I've never been more ready to go home.
مع السلامة المغرب
M'assalema Morocco. Until we meet again.
Update 10:14pm: The taxi just came to pick me up and we're driving to the airport now. As I was saying bye to Meriem, we both teared up. Well what do you know? <3